Twitter Campaign – Canada Release on February 2nd

As you all know Trip Around The World will be released in Canada on February 2nd. That’s a mere SIX days from today. In preparation for the album release we’re going to see if we can get Alexz Trending on Twitter for her single. There’s a lot of Alexz fans on Twitter right now, but if you don’t have an account for some reason and want to participate, you’re going to have to register an account. Since I thought about trying this again Twitter has made some changes to their system. Again, we’re aiming for a collective fan effort on Feb. 2nd.

Some NEED to know information:

  1. Twitter has made it impossible to post the same message twice. It doesn’t matter WHEN the original message was posted you can’t post a duplicate.
  2. Twitter now tracks Trending Topics by country as well as certain locations. It’s unknown yet how they determine this. Tracking IPs of their visitors is the most likely answer. This complicates things because people outside of Canada will have problems getting Alexz trending unless they aim for a Worldwide Trending Topic.
  3. Twitter will suspend or ban your account for excess tweets. I’ve heard some different numbers, but 1000 per hour seems to definitely get your account suspended or taken off the public timeline. I’m sure much less may trigger their flagging systems as well. If your tweets are not appearing on the public timeline they will NOT help Alexz.

While we can’t do anything meaningful about #2 we can work through the other restrictions. There is something first before we move onto that. You WILL be tweeting a lot and it WILL annoy your followers. There is a very good chance you will lose most or all your followers from tweeting as much as I imagine you will. So, like many people who run websites on one account and have another personal account, simple register a NEW account for this. Your followers will be glad you did.

Here’s a free service that can work through Twitter’s restrictions:

SocialOomph: They used to be a service called “Tweet Later”, which allows you to do just that. Schedule a Tweet and have it be posted on your account at a later time. This will be a really useful tool if we simply schedule some tweets to appear on their own Feb. 2nd.

Register at SocialOomph then put in the information for the account you want to use for getting Alexz trending. Next go to Manage My Scheduled Updates and Account Automation:

On the left side menu you’ll find an option to Schedule A New Update. Click that:

The next screen will let you type in the message you want to post and WHEN you want SocialOomph to post it for you. After deciding all of that, and making sure it’s not identical to any other message you schedule, click Save.

Then you’re done! 🙂

So why use this service at all? This will dramatically save you time on Feb. 2nd. The website itself will post any tweets you tell it to when you want it to. The real advantage here is for any who are brave enough to get more than one extra account to do this. If you have 3 accounts tweeting for you later then that’s a lot of extra work you don’t have to do because you’ve already done it. This type of service is used by a lot of business accounts on Twitter who want to keep their followers interested in them if they have to go on a business trip or out of town. They can stay an active Twitterer without actually having internet access for a few days, which, in a business sense, is a really smart thing to do.

It appears we’ll be tweeting “#AlexzJohnson” and “#TripAroundTheWorld”. So put those in your messages.

However, The # is a hashtag designed primarily for searching Twitter, though it can still Trend. Topics can trend TWICE if the #hashtag is simply dropped. That means:

Alexz Johnson
Trip Around The World

Can ALL be Trending too, and at the SAME TIME. This should help in making your messages more unique when you run out of ideas. I’d throw “#Voodoo” into the mix as well.

Tell them where to go to hear/buy her song. Link them to SEND Alexz traffic from anyone interested in hearing or learning more about the song or her.

Finally, Retweeting counts. Retweeting another’s post will add it to the timeline as if it were a brand new message. So Retweet each other’s messages. The drawback is that it DOES count against your tweet limit per hour that Twitter looks to flag as spam if done too often.

Some more information is HERE at the Boogie Love Alexz Board.

That’s about it. It’s not as simple as “Point. Go.” and this is what you really have to watch out for and do to get her Trending.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 27th, 2010 at 4:49 pm and is filed under Music, Musings. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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